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Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi? #1 Best Answer

Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi? #1 Best Answer

Most of us dog owners know that our dogs will eat just anything and everything that is in front of them.

Many times, we are left wondering if eating a certain vegetable might be harmful to our beloved pets given that dogs are naturally carnivores.

One such vegetable is Kohlrabi and here is why it might or might not be good for your furry little friend.

Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi?

Dogs can eat Kohlrabi. Kohlrabi, also referred to as the German turnip has a sweet taste, similar to the taste of cabbage. Many dogs prefer eating raw Kohlrabi while others prefer it cooked. Despite being chockful of nutrients quite beneficial to dogs, Kohlrabi is not a usual component of dog food.

Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi?

Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi?

Many dogs do get an upset stomach or some gastric issues by eating raw Kohlrabi.

Hence it is always important to introduce it in small amounts initially and then increase the serving when it is confirmed that your dog doesn’t react to this vegetable.

But first, let’s get a hold of all the information that we can about this Kohlrabi.

What Kohlrabi is

Kohlrabi is a vegetable, also commonly known as the German turnip due to its resemblance to the turnip and the fact that it is widely eaten by Germans.

Kohlrabi’s a part of the cabbage family. It has a taste similar to other members of this family such as cabbage and broccoli.

Kohlrabi, aka the German turnip, is a member of the cabbage family

Kohlrabi, aka the German turnip, is a member of the cabbage family

While it is widely eaten by humans, it is not a common part of the dog diet.

However, if you want to add Kohlrabi to your dog’s diet or if your dog is habitual to taking bites of your own Kohlrabi meal, it is actually not a problem.

Benefits of Giving Kohlrabi to your Dog

Kohlrabi is packed with nutrients. It doesn’t have that many calories hence it is not responsible for creating obesity-related issues in dogs.

Calcium, Folate, Vitamin B6, and Phosphorus are some of the major minerals found in Kohlrabi.

These minerals are increasingly important for various systems of the dog’s body, namely, the musculoskeletal system and the circulatory system.

Being a low-calorie vegetable, its glycemic index is low. This means that while it makes your dog feel full, it doesn’t result in weight gain or a high blood sugar level.

When NOT to Give Kohlrabi to your Dog

Kohlrabi is known to have oxalates. They are the prime components of kidney stones.

If your dog is prone to having kidney stones or already has a history of kidney stones, it is best to keep Kohlrabi off your dog’s diet.

Kohlrabi also may act as a goitrogenic food. A goitrogenic food is any type of food that may interfere with thyroid production and metabolism.

The proper functioning of thyroid hormones is crucial for the proper body metabolism of dogs.

Improper thyroid functions may cause hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism with the over and under production of thyroid hormones respectively.

That being said, if your dog has any kind of thyroid issues, it is not a wise decision to give your dog Kohlrabi.

Moreover, Kohlrabi may also not be easily digested by many dogs.

Make sure to always test the digestive system of your dog by giving it a small portion first and then checking for symptoms of an upset stomach for the next few days.

Make sure to test your dog's digestive system first by giving small portions of the Kohlrabi at first

Make sure to test your dog’s digestive system first by giving small portions of the Kohlrabi at first

If there are none, go ahead and give your dog a normal serving of Kohlrabi.

Safe Serving Size of Kohlrabi to Give to your Dog

Anything in excess can be a disaster for both humans and dogs. The appropriate serving size of Kohlrabi for your dog, in general, is 150 grams.

Also, the experts say that a dog’s diet should not contain more than 10% of veggies. Keep this rule in mind while setting your serving size of Kohlrabi for your dog.

Vegetables should consist of not more than 10% of a dog's diet

Vegetables should consist of not more than 10% of a dog’s diet

Raw or Cooked Kohlrabi — Which to Give

It is always recommended to give cooked Kohlrabi to your dog as it becomes easier for it to digest.

Cooking also kills microbes and bacteria in raw veggies which might harm your dog.

Though dogs can eat Kohlrabi raw, it's much preferrable to cook them first so as to kill the microbes and bacteria

Though dogs can eat Kohlrabi raw, it’s much preferrable to cook them first so as to kill the microbes and bacteria

Kohlrabi can be given in roasted, boiled, or steamed form. In fact, many dogs prefer their foods prepared a certain way, so observe what your dog enjoys the most and feed him the way he likes.

While a small piece or two of raw Kohlrabi is not dangerous, a higher amount may have adverse effects on the digestive system of your dog such as bloating and indigestion.

Can Dogs Eat Kohlrabi Leaves

Kohlrabi leaves are generally said to be safe for ingestion by dogs. Having said that, Kohlrabi leaves don’t have much nutritional value.

Hence there is always a debate whether dogs should be given foods that are actually not nutritious.

This doesn’t mean that Kohlrabi leaves are devoid of any kind of minerals and vitamins. Kohlrabi leaves have Vitamin A and C along with oxalates.

While Vitamin A is important for vision and Vitamin C is vital for collagen synthesis, the oxalates bind minerals and make them less available for usage by the body.

Oxalates are also responsible for causing kidney stones.

Hence, it is best not to give Kohlrabi leaves to your dog. Even if you do decide to give your dog Kohlrabi leaves, give them in moderation.

Never give them to your dog if it’s suffering from any liver, kidney, or gastrointestinal issues.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dogs Eating Kohlrabi

Which veggies are considered toxic for canines?

Vegetables such as tomatoes, mushrooms, avocados, and potatoes can be toxic for dogs. Hence they should be best not included in your dog’s diet.

Can puppies eat Kohlrabi?

Kohlrabi can be given to puppies in mashed or puree form so it is easy for them to swallow and digest. Giving pieces of Kohlrabi can be a potential choking hazard for small puppies.

Can Kohlrabi cause allergy flare-ups in dogs?

Generally, Kohlrabi is not listed as a potential allergy-causing vegetable or allergen. However, many dogs might have an underlying allergy to the histamine which is present in Kohlrabi. Mostly, dogs, do not have a problem tolerating Kohlrabi.