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When Do Bats Come Out? That’s what I said!

When Do Bats Come Out? That’s what I said!

A lot of nature lovers would be curious as to what times bats come out. Or maybe you aren’t into nature much at all, yet still ponder over the answer to this question after having learned that bats are indeed lurking in your neighborhood.

Despite the fact that bats are highly adaptable and reside throughout the world in caves, barns, trees, churches, and old buildings, you may never notice the bats in your neighborhood simply due to their nocturnal nature.


When Do Bats Come Out?

Simply put, bats come out at night. They usually leave their roost to search for food around sunset. After feeding for a couple of hours, they’ll rest before eating again and will return to their roosts before daylight. Additionally, bats hibernate during the winter months and come back out of hibernation in April.


Bats Come Out to Feed Around Sunset

Bats are nocturnal creatures, which means that they sleep throughout the day and come out to search for food at nightfall. Unless the bats have taken up residence in your home or you stay up late yourself, you may never see your neighborhood bats as they come out while most people are asleep.

That said, bats don’t always wait until the clock strikes midnight to head out and search for food. It is possible that you may notice a group of bats flying off as the sun begins to go down, but by the time you awaken the next morning, the bats will have most likely already returned to their roosts.

Contrary to popular belief, bats can handle exposure to light. However, they tend to spend the daylight hours hanging upside down and resting.

They avoid coming out during the daytime as a way to avoid predators that may snatch them up as they head out of their roosts to search for food. Darkness provides them with a source of protection from potential predators.

Although bats have been spotted flying around outdoor lights to feed on the insects that are swarming, street lamps have been found to be a somewhat effective deterrent for bats. Bats prefer to hide in the shadows to avoid encounters with predatory birds, such as owls.

So, if they search for food at nightfall, how do they see their prey? Bats have excellent hearing and emit a unique sound.

They use these senses in their hunt for prey, rather than relying upon their eyesight. But you don’t need to worry about a bat sneaking up and biting you at night.

Most species of bats feed solely on insects, such as mosquitoes.


Bats Hibernate During the Winter and Come Out in April

While some bat species migrate to warmer climates when winter approaches, most bats will seek shelter during the early fall and remain there until spring.

Bats tend to hibernate in caves, trees, warehouses, churches, attics, basements, and even walls. So, it’s definitely possible that you may end up sharing your home with a colony of bats throughout the cooler months.

Sure, there are indeed humane ways to successfully evict bats from your property in early Fall, but once the cold weather hits, you will probably be stuck with them until they leave on their own in April.

Bats try to feed enough during the warmer portion of the year to suffice them through their hibernation period.

When it is cold outside, you may never spot a bat at all as they are likely hibernating in their roosts. Unless, of course, that winter roost is in your basement or attic.

Fortunately, most bats continue to prefer their natural habitats of caves and forests, and only seem to inhabit older two-story homes that are in disrepair, as these types of homes offer easier entry points for bats to squeeze through.

Once April approaches, bats will once again come out of hibernation and resume their nightly search for food.

Bats may choose different roosting spots for each season, depending upon the temperature of the roosts and the accessibility of food and water. So, they may very well reside in your attic for part of the year and dwell in a cave throughout the remainder of the year.

Why do bats hibernate until April? Bats are highly inclined to seek out specific temperatures.

Although they can survive in environments with temperatures as low as 35 degrees Fahrenheit as well as in places with heat indexes as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit, they will freeze to death if it becomes too cold outside.

Additionally, their energy reserve will be quickly depleted if they’re exposed to high temperatures during hibernation.

During the winter months, bats will seek out locations with a temperature that’s between 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit and will remain there until spring.

Bats will start to come out again in April when the temperatures begin to warm.


Frequently Asked Questions about When do Bats Come Out


Why Do Bats Suddenly Appear?

If you have suddenly noticed bats living in your home, most likely they showed up in search of food, shelter, and water. It’s also possible that they chose to inhabit your home to obtain a source of warmth during the winter months.


If Bats Come Out During The Day, What Does It Mean?

Bats coming out during the daytime often are either sick or injured. A bat who is ill may end up being kicked out of the roost or it could become confused or get lost as a result of having been injured. It is also possible that the injury may prevent the bat from being able to fly, which inhibits it from being able to return to the roost.



So, when do bats leave their roost? At night! Bats sleep upside-down throughout the day and come out at sundown to search for food.

They also hibernate during the winter and come back out in April.

This simply means that you may not see bats often even if they live in your neighborhood unless they either live in your home or you happen to spot them soaring off as you watch the sunset.