The habits of foxes are largely unknown to us because we only encounter these creatures in the wild. Even their eating preferences are topics of speculation for many people.
You may be wondering about a typical fox’s diet. Just how diverse could it be?
Find out the answer to that question and other topics related to the eating habits of foxes by continuing with the rest of this article.
Do Fox Eat Fish?
Foxes are omnivores and are willing to subsist on food sources that are easily accessible. They’re open to eating fish and other animals if they can find them in a body of water nearby. Aside from fish, foxes may also enter the water in search of crabs and other small marine animals.

Will Foxes Eat Fish
What are foxes famous for?
Some would probably highlight the fox’s canine features while others may focus more on its hunting prowess. It’s also worth mentioning the remarkable number of fox breeds in the wild.

One aspect of foxes that don’t get enough attention is their diet.
According to The Woodland Trust, a woodland conservation charity based in the United Kingdom, foxes have a remarkably diverse diet. They are omnivores so they are willing to eat anything in search of nutrition.
The bulk of a typical fox’s diet is still made up of protein. That revelation probably did not surprise you.
What may surprise you is the fact that foxes are willing to go just about anywhere for the sake of securing a source of protein. Even bodies of water aren’t off-limits to foxes searching for a nice meal.

Foxes will wade into the water to continue their hunt. They will prey on fish and do it without much hesitation.
These cunning creatures are also not particularly choosy when it comes to partaking in fish-centric meals. They will feed on fishes large and small as long as they can prevail during their hunt.

Whether the fish is dead or alive also does not matter much to foxes. They will eat the remains of dead fish left behind by another predator if they can do so safely.
Where Foxes Hunt for Fish
Although foxes are especially adept hunters on land, their prowess does not carry over to marine environments. Foxes are significantly compromised when they are looking for prey in the water.
They can swim well enough for mammals, but fishes can still escape them easily. Certain bodies of water can also prove challenging to navigate for most foxes.
That’s why foxes are more selective when hunting in the water.
For the most part, foxes prefer to stick to shallow bodies of water in search of fish. Ponds and streams are among their preferred marine hunting locales.

If you have a pond in your backyard that houses some fish, there is a chance that a fox may invade it at some point. A fox would have to be in desperate need of food to go searching for a meal in a place like that, but it remains possible.
Thankfully, discouraging foxes from entering your residential pond is fairly easy. By setting up some barriers and netting, you can effectively keep any foxes away from your precious fish.
Is Fish the Only Type of Seafood Foxes Eat?
Foxes will dine on fish. We’ve established that much at this point.
But what about other types of seafood? Will foxes also take an interest in them?
Surprisingly, foxes are indeed open to eating other types of seafood. They will eat shrimp, crabs, and other types of crustaceans if they somehow manage to find them.

A fox living in the city may dine on shellfish happily if they can retrieve it from a garbage container.
Notably, foxes may also dine on animals that like to hang out near the water.
They will eat seals, frogs, and even some types of reptiles. A fox will also pounce on the opportunity to feast on a seabird if the opportunity presents itself.
The diversity of a fox’s diet is truly remarkable. Fish may be a relatively normal meal for them even though we don’t always see them hunting near the water.
What You Should Feed Foxes With
Most experts generally advise against keeping foxes as pets.
No matter how adorable foxes may seem, they are still wild animals. Foxes are not known to attack humans, but they may see your other pets as potential prey.
On top of that, you don’t know where a wild fox has been. The one you welcome into your home could be carrying life-threatening diseases.
While keeping a fox as a pet is not a good idea, you can still feed the ones that stumble into your neighborhood. You can also feed foxes that you may encounter during your treks in the woods.
Fish makes for fine fox food, but it isn’t the best protein source out there for them.
Consider sharing some of your cooked meats if you have them. Avoid sharing any cooked meat that is covered in sauce because some of its ingredients may be harmful to the fox.

If you don’t have any meat to share, you can give a fox some fruits and nuts instead.

Frequently Asked Questions about Do Foxes Eat Fish
What Is a Fox’s Favorite Food?
Foxes enjoy meat above everything else. They especially like to dine on rabbits, rats, and squirrels. They will also feed on different bird types as well as their eggs.
Is It Okay to Have Foxes in Your Yard?
A fox staying in your yard may not be a threat to you personally, but things may be different for your pets. If you have outdoor pets, it would probably be best to shoo the fox away to prevent a potentially tragic encounter.
Conclusion on Do Fox Eat Fish
Foxes do eat fish and other animal kinds for that matter as they are omnivores. Foxes also eat other marine animals and are using bodies of water for hunting purposes.