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Where Can I Take My Dog Swimming? The Answer

Where Can I Take My Dog Swimming? The Answer

Summer’s fast approaching and our canine buddies can’t wait to take a swim in the cool, refreshing water.

But, what if you don’t have a backyard pool or even an inflatable kiddie pool ready for your dog’s skinny dipping?

Don’t worry, as many places are perfectly safe as water havens for your beloved mutts.

Make sure to read the entire article below for some fun and adventurous swimming ideas.


Where can I take my dog swimming?

Technically, there are many dog-friendly swimming spots you can take your furry pals. You can take them to public swimming pools, dog park pools, public beaches, lakes, hydrotherapy pools, rivers, and ponds. However, if you have a large space in your backyard, you can create a dog-friendly pool area for your mutts. 


Public swimming pools

This option is one of the most cost-effective places for you to take your doggy pal for a quick swim.

Not only is it accessible, but there’s also little to no entrance fee needed to enjoy dipping there.

But, there’s a catch. Not all public swimming pools allow canines to swim in their pristine waters.

So, it’s up to you to search for dog-friendly public swimming pools in your locality.

Certain public swimming pools hold day events allowing both fur parents and mutts to swim together.

There’s a minimal fee needed to take part in these kinds of events, but it’s all worth it for your pup’s socialization.


Dog park pools

If a public swimming pool is out of the question, you can opt to search for a doggy park instead.

More often than not, there’s a high probability that the dog park nearest you has a water recreation area.

But, like local public swimming pools, not all dog parks have a water feature in them.

So, if you want to be sure, you can go check out your department of parks and recreation office for more information.


Public beaches

If you’re the sea-loving type, then a quick trip to a local beach will answer all your swimming woes.

Not only do beaches have superb views, but it’s also the perfect spot for your canine to meet new friends as well.

But, mind you, not all public beaches are safe for your canine friends to go swimming.

Thus, make a thorough research first before indulging your pup in an impromptu beach trip.

There are two perils that the ocean brings to your doggy swimmers: big waves and riptides.

Thus, if the beach you’re planning to visit’s known to have them, make sure to steer clear of it at all costs.

An added precaution though if you want to take your pooches for a trip to the beach. Make sure to bring fresh water at all times.

Though it’s unusual for dogs to lap up saltwater, we all know how dehydrating it is if consumed in large amounts.


Dog-friendly lakes

If you’re lucky enough to live in a state near national parks, your little puppy can enjoy taking a dip in a pristine lake.

Yet, lakes aren’t designed for budding doggy swimmers.

Your doggo should at least have an intermediate level of swimming skill to fully enjoy the area.

Even if they’re considered swimming experts, it’s not advisable to leave them unsupervised.

If you’re unsure, you can contact your local outdoor recreation center. They’re knowledgeable about the safest lakes you and your pup can go swimming.

Also, you can join Sierra clubs if there are any in your locality.

These kinds of clubs more often than not know the best spots pups can enjoy lake swimming to the fullest.


Rivers and creeks

If you want to take your doggo for a countryside trip, then bathing in a river or creek might sound a good idea.

Not only is the water refreshing, but you and your pup can enjoy swimming while surrounded by nature.

But, like all-natural swimming hot spots, not every river and creek you can find is safe enough for dogs.

If the river’s known to be deep and has powerful rapids, don’t dare take a dip with your pup in there.

However, if the river’s calm and shallow, it’s a better and safer option for both of you.

You can even take advantage of swimming holes and calmer water bends for a cannonball spree.



If you’ve got naturally-still water in your area, then a dip in a pond’s a good idea for your beloved pups.

Not only is it small, but there are lesser chances of your dog encountering dangerous rapids.

But, as pond water isn’t free-flowing, it can become a breeding ground for bad microorganisms.

These life forms can endanger your pup’s health should they accidentally ingest the water.


Hydrotherapy pools

Hydrotherapy pools aim to create a relaxed swimming environment for dogs.

Instead of using chlorinated water, these pools use warm water to further induce a calming effect.

A geriatric dog, an injured pup, or a canine battling with obesity will surely enjoy swimming here.

Hydrotherapy offers a lot of benefits for dogs with special needs, making swimming a therapeutic experience as well.

If you’re at a loss where to look for such a place, ask your veterinarian for a referral to the center.

For sure, he or she will be more than happy to accommodate your special request.


Backyard pool

Last, but not least on the list, is your very own backyard pool. Not only is this place the most relaxing, but it also affords the privacy you need while swimming.

But, you don’t need acres of land for you to build a backyard pool. Even an inflatable type of pool’s enough to keep your dog’s swimming craving satisfied.

Yet, if you want a pool made especially for dogs, you can buy one in a pet store near you or online.

You can even spice up your backyard swimming spree by turning on the water sprinklers.

Not only are water sprinklers a fun addition, but they also entice your pups to chase them around.


What to pack for your dog on a swimming trip

Regardless of where you’re taking your mutt for a swim, you need to bring paraphernalia with you for a smooth experience.

After all, you don’t want to make your swimming trip a disaster, right?

Take a good look at the following must-haves so you’ll never have to worry about your dog’s safety in the water.


  • Life vest – for safety purposes, especially for first-time swimmers or when wading in deep water


  • Waterproof leash – to keep your pup near you and ensure he’s not too far from the shore


  • Waterproof collar – made from nylon webbing, keeping your dog’s neck safe from hotspots


  • Food and water – to keep your mutt nourished and hydrated even after swimming


  • Towels – quick-drying ones made out of microfiber are the best to dry your pup after an enjoyable swim


  • Poop bags – to store your dog’s waste and avoid contaminating the water with it


  • Toys – for your dogs to have more fun while wading in the water


Common aftercare measures 

Now that your pup’s done with the swimming, how can you as its doting fur parent protect it from potential harm?

There are three things you need to pay close attention to.

First, off the list, make sure to pack an ear rinse solution with you. Since water can move to nooks where it shouldn’t be, this special rinsing liquid helps prevent potential ear infections.

If you took your pup for a swim on the beach, sand can also cause the same damage as that of water.

So, make sure to rinse their furry body well with fresh water, and lather it with shampoo to remove the sand.

Lastly, don’t forget to check your pup for hidden injuries, especially around the paw area.

If it’s possible, pack a first-aid kit with you to address these problems should they come up.

So, don’t deny your furry friend the joys of wading in the water.

Lookup for the most enjoyable and safe spots in your locality, and you’re on your way to a memorable swimming trip.