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How to Save a Dying Goldfish? Let’s See!

How to Save a Dying Goldfish? Let’s See!

Did you know there are approximately 200 kinds of goldfish?

Goldfish have the ability to make you more relaxed and less stressed. That’s why a lot of people love taking care of goldfish as their pet.

If any of them is sick or hurt, we get worried. And if they die, a part of us dies as well. 

So, if you want to save your dying goldfish from the brink of death, better continue reading.


How to Save a Dying Goldfish?

You can revive a dying goldfish by cleaning it, giving it oxygenated water, and subjecting it to a saltwater bath to speed up its recovery.


The First-Aid Procedures to Revive a Dying Goldfish


Clean the goldfish

There are a few procedures that you must do to clean your dying wet pet.

First, check if your goldfish displays any signs of life. If it shows any sign that it is still alive, you can proceed to the next procedure. 

Otherwise, a fish is dead if its eyes hollow out and its pupils are gray-colored. It also has cracked skin and a body part is missing.

Next, prepare a container or a tank and fill it with cool water. You will need to put the dying goldfish into this container. 

You must separate the dying fish from the other fishes. This is to prevent contaminating the water and to allow you to pay more attention to it. 

Then, check for the specks of dirt or debris that are possibly affecting the goldfish.

Hold it in your hand inside the water tank, gently check and remove those specks of dirt from the fish.

Lastly, open the gills of the fish and see if it still possesses the red color.  But, you need to stay relaxed and use a steady hand to maintain the safety of the fish. 


Give the goldfish oxygenated water

Fish, just like humans, need oxygen too to live.

Oxygenating the water where your goldfish lives allow the animal to receive the optimum levels of oxygen needed for it to continue thriving.

Most of the aquariums already have air bubbler or air stone. All that you need to move the fish closer to it using your hands.

If you don’t have an extra air bubbler to put in the separate tank, you can create one. It is just easy to do.

First, You will need an air stone, air pipe, a pure oxygen container, plastic cling wrap, a tank, adhesive tape, and de-chlorinated water.

Next, put the de-chlorinated water in the tank that is enough size to place your fish. Chlorinated water can build up ammonia on your fish and may lead to death. 

Take note that de-chlorinated water can be bought at the local pet store near you. You can also do a DIY version of this water by putting up a dechlorinator chemical additive into the tap water. 

Once the de-chlorinated water’s ready, connect the air stone to the oxygen supply. Then place the said stone inside the tank while making sure that it stays at the bottom. 

Switch the oxygen supply on, making sure that you are not going to over-oxygenate the water. 

You need to maintain a steady stream of air bubbles that will be released through the air stone coming from the pure oxygen. 

After which, place the goldfish in the newly-oxygenated tank. Then, cover the tank with cling wrap to seal it. Enclose it using adhesive tape. 

However, remember to keep the fish inside for not greater than two hours. Make sure to check the oxygen flow from time to time. 


Help your goldfish recover with saltwater

After two hours of soaking in the oxygenated water, it’s time to give it a salt bath. A salt bath helps the goldfish recover from the risk of having a lack of oxygen. 

You may use sea salt, aquarium salt, kosher salt, and pure Morton’s rock salt for this process.

But, the most recommended salt type to use for this process is natural salt with no additives as it contains high mineral content.

Just one teaspoon of any of these salts is enough for every one gallon of water. Mix it with the water, making sure that the granules fully dissolve in it. 

Keep the goldfish in the water for three minutes and observe. If it does rapid swimming or performs unusual movements, move the fish back to the oxygenated tank.

Next, try giving the goldfish a garlic bath. Since garlic is a natural detoxifier, it can help purify any toxins inside the goldfish’s body. 

To do this, mince a medium-sized garlic bulb and put it in hot water. Place the hot garlic water in a bottle, and allow it to cool down by leaving it at room temperature for 12 hours. 

Then, pour a teaspoon of garlic water in every 10 gallons of tank water. Let your fish enjoy the garlic bath for just one to three minutes.

Then add pure liquid chlorophyll and put back the goldfish in the aquarium.

For those who don’t know, Chlorophyll helps boost the goldfish’s immune system and it is also considered medicine to them.

Follow properly the procedure stated in the bottle. The instructions will tell you about when to put a chlorophyll substance in the right amount.

Lastly, if your goldfish survives the ordeal, use a stress coat water conditioner. Most of this substance is made with aloe content that helps soothe out the stress on your goldfish.

This wonderful product’s available in local pet stores near you.