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How To Get Rid Of Fleas From Huskies The Right Way!

How To Get Rid Of Fleas From Huskies The Right Way!

Huskies are considered part of the most popular dog breeds list in the entire world. 

Huskies are sled dogs that are particularly known for their wolf-like appearance with sharp eyes, long muzzles, and thick double coats. 

And while husky coats are soft and undeniably huggable, this characteristic made huskies prone to skin problems such as flea infestations. 

Fleas are pests that typically host in animals to feast on their blood. Flea infestations in huskies often lead to excessive scratching, hair loss, and scabby skin. 

For this article, we will go through proper flea infestation control for your beloved husky and your home as well.


How To Get Rid of Fleas From Huskies

You can rub citrus, mint, peppermint, and other essential oils on the dog’s fur as a natural and organic option to kill the fleas. However, the most effective method is to simply wash your dog using flea-killing shampoo. Bathing your dog regularly can help rid of a flea infestation as well. 


Top Tips To Rid Your Husky of Fleas


Bathe your Husky

To get rid of fleas from your husky, it is important to kill adult fleas, larvae, and eggs. If not, then the whole cycle could just start over again.

Get rid of fleas on your Husky by bathing them using flea-killing shampoo.

Make sure that you are able to soak its coat well and massage the shampoo deeply into the Husky’s skin. 

Once done, you can also use a flea comb to collect and get rid of fleas, flea eggs, and flea dirt that came loose after the shower.


Control Flea Infestations

Controlling flea infestations involves managing your dog’s flea problem, completely cleaning your home, as well as taking extra precautions from future flea infestations.

Aside from managing your dog’s flea problem, it is also important to clean your house and furniture.

Some of the things you can do to clean your house from fleas are to vacuum carpets and furniture, wash pet beds regularly, as well as use essential oils (mint, citrus, peppermint, etc.) and sprays as repellants.

It is important to maintain a persistent and meticulous cleaning regime so that you can prevent future flea infestations from troubling your dog and your home.


How Huskies Get Fleas

Aside from knowing how to get rid of fleas, it is also important to know how your husky would possibly be infested in the first place. 

Huskies are prone to flea infestation because of their thick and long fur that offers plenty of hiding places for the fleas to thrive. 

Generally, dogs pick up fleas from their environment. 

But what exactly are the so-called flea hotspots that pet owners should be wary about?

One of the most common ways that dogs get fleas is by coming in close contact with other dogs or animals that carry the pest. 

Considering that dogs are highly sociable creatures, a day in the dog park or even a simple walk down the street could be a reason for your dog to be dangerously close to other dogs, cats, and other animals that have fleas. 

Your house can also be a hotspot for fleas if not cleaned regularly. 

Fleas can come and jump into your house to lay eggs on your sofa, bed, carpet, or even clothing. 

Taking this into consideration, it is important to follow a proper and meticulous cleaning routine that can help get rid of fleas and eggs in your home.


How To Tell If My Husky Has Fleas

There are several things that you can do to tell if your husky is suffering from a flea infestation.

Excessive itching and scratching are some of the signs of flea infestation that are considerably hard to miss. 

You may also notice your dog’s skin looks irritated, red, dry, and scabby.

Considering that itching may be caused by other skin problems other than fleas, you can meticulously inspect your dog’s skin and fur for signs of flea problems. 

You can check your dog for tiny, dark insect scurrying in between your dog’s fur or for tiny black specks also known as flea dirt.


How To Tell If Your House Has Fleas

As mentioned earlier, fleas can also infest your house. 

And while fleas may prefer to bite and host on pets, there is a possibility that some fleas would bite you too. 

Flea infestation in your home can be difficult to control and completely get rid of considering that fleas can lay hundreds of eggs at a time. 

While it would be fairly difficult to find a flea in your house, there are several things that you can do to check and test if you have a flea infestation in your home.

One of the simplest signs of fleas in your house is if you notice that your pet has fleas. 

Oftentimes, fleas on your pet mean that more are scattered around and living in your carpet, sofa, beddings, or yard.

Flea bites can also be an indication that you have fleas living in your home. 

Flea bites leave red, swollen, and itchy bumps typically in clusters of three or four. Generally, flea bites in humans are common around the legs and ankles.

You can also test if you have fleas in your house by setting up a light trap. 

Place a small or shallow dish with soapy water in front of a nightlight and let it sit for the night. Attracted by the light, fleas would jump toward it fall into the dish with soapy water.


How To Control Flea Infestations

Controlling flea infestations involves managing your dog’s flea problem, completely cleaning your home, as well as taking extra precautions from future flea infestations.

To get rid of flea from your husky, it is important to kill adult fleas, larvae, and eggs. 

If not, then the whole cycle could just start over again.

While managing your dog’s flea problem, it is also important to clean your house and furniture. 

Some of the things you can do to clean your house from fleas are to vacuum carpets and furniture, wash pet beds regularly, as well as use essential oils and sprays as repellants.

It is important to maintain a persistent and meticulous cleaning regime so that you can prevent future flea infestations from troubling your dog and your home.


Frequently Asked Questions About How To Get Rid Of Fleas In Huskies


What smells do fleas hate?

Fleas are often repelled by strong odors and fragrances. Spraying and applying essential such as eucalyptus, orange, lemon, tea tree, clove, lavender, cedar, peppermint, and mint can help get rid of as well as repel fleas from your dog’s fur and your house’s furniture.


Do Huskies need flea collars?

While flea collars are not required, using a flea collar can help prevent the possibility of flea infestation. Flea collars are typically used as an extra measure to keep fleas away by either emitting some sort of gas or releasing a type of medication that seeps into the dog’s skin as a form of flea repellant as well as a skin treatment.


What is a flea comb?

A flea comb is a type of brushing tool that features extremely fine and tightly spaced teeth that can be used to find and remove fleas on your dog. This comb is used to brush through a dog’s coat to collect fleas, flea eggs, flea dirt, and other debris tucked deep in your dog’s fur.



Flea infestation on your dog and in your home can be a head-scratching problem. 

Considering that fleas reproduce at such a fast pace, it is important to control, manage, and ultimately kill any fleas in your area as soon as possible. 

Remember to take care of both your dog’s and your home’s flea problem simultaneously so there is little to no possibility that any flea or egg would simply continue the cycle.