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How to Determine the Gender of a Kitten — 3 Simple Methods

How to Determine the Gender of a Kitten — 3 Simple Methods

Who doesn’t find a litter of kittens to be absolutely adorable? But if you are considering taking one of the cuties home with you, then you may be curious as to the kittens’ genders.

It’s hard to check on it when they are little, but it isn’t impossible.

If you are the lucky owner of this brand-new litter, then you have an advantage when it comes to determining their genders.

You may be deciding which one that you want to keep for yourself, or you may want to be able to inform prospective owners of the kittens’ genders.

Fortunately, there are a few relatively simple ways that you can tell the gender of a kitten.


How Do You Determine the Gender of a Kitten

The most reliable way to determine the kitten’s gender is to examine its genitalia. The opening below the anus will look straight if the kitten’s a female but appear round in males. Two less reliable ways through the coat’s coloration and their behavioral characteristics.


The Most Reliable Way to Determine Gender is to Examine Genitalia

But this can still be a little tricky with kittens.

Of course, you will need to wait a couple of weeks before you begin to handle a brand-new litter of kittens to prevent the mother from abandoning them, but you may not be able to tell a kitten’s gender until they are five weeks old, anyway.

Gently caress the kitten, so they feel comfortable with being held before lifting the kitten’s tail.

First, you will see the kitten’s anus, but their genitalia will be directly below it. A female kitten will have a small slit that looks like a straight line.

It has also been described as looking like the letter I or appearing to be an exclamation point, and the anus will almost be touching the kitten’s genitalia.

A male will have round genitalia that has been described as looking like colons, and there will be a wide space between the kitten’s anus and genitalia.

While it may be hard to see the testes in young male kittens, these will start to become more visible as the kitten ages. Alternatively, you can rub the genital area, and if you feel two small, hard bumps, it’s a boy!


Coat Coloration May Signify a Kitten’s Gender

While this technique isn’t 100% accurate, it can provide you with a pretty good idea of a kitten’s likely gender. Multi-colored kittens, such as calicos, almost always are females.

Additionally, tortoise-shell-colored kittens are usually females as well. Female cats have a unique combination of chromosomes that allows many of them to possess tri-colored coats.

However, most tabby or ginger cats are found to be male. This determination isn’t as accurate as it is with females being multi-colored.

Females can be tabbies or ginger-colored, but 75% of cats with ginger coats are males.


Behavioral Characteristics Can Assist in Determining a Kitten’s Gender

But this is the least reliable method.

While young kittens may be solely focused on nestling their mother and feeding on her milk, as the kittens get bigger, they will begin to develop their own personality traits, which may vary slightly depending on the kitten’s gender.

Male kittens are usually more rambunctious and can even display some aggressive characteristics. They often wander off more than female kittens and may begin to spray as a means of marking their territory.

Many people insist that male kittens are more active and playful than females, but these are personality traits that can be present in kittens of either gender.

Female kittens can experience their very first heat at as early as five months old, and they may start to meow loudly and crave attention. Spaying and neutering can prevent many of these behavioral differences.


Frequently Asked Questions about How to Determine the Gender of a Kitten


Can you tell the gender of a kitten by its face?

You can tell a kitten’s gender by its face, but this method isn’t highly accurate. Male kittens usually have a face that appears rounder and fuller due to the enhanced development of their cheek pads. Female kittens often have a face that is narrower and may even have a delicate appearance.


Which is better, girl or boy kitten?

That depends on what you prefer. Instead of choosing a kitten based on gender, focus on selecting a kitten that you bond and connect with. Many people claim that male kittens are friendlier, while females prefer to keep to themselves, but personality characteristics aren’t gender-dependent.


When can you determine the kitten’s gender?

It is possible to determine a kitten’s gender as early as five weeks old, but doing so can be challenging- even for veterinarians! There are three main ways to tell the gender of a kitten, but examining their genital area is the most accurate method.



Well, there you have it! You can determine a kitten’s gender by looking ‘down there, which you probably already knew.

A female kitten will have a straight line below its anus, while a male kitten’s genitalia will appear more rounded.

The coloration of a kitten’s coat and its behavioral traits may also signify the kitten’s gender.

But those don’t have much difference to offer, aside from the decision to spay or neuter. Choose to bring home the kitten you feel a connection with, regardless of its gender.