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Ravens and crows are beautiful birds, despite the reputation they’ve built for erring on the side of depressing and macabre. They’re delightful to look at, as they’re graceful, curious, and intelligent by nature. In fact, ravens and crows are the most intelligent animals on Earth, right next to dolphins and chimps. The way they act …

Read More about Do Ravens Make Good Pets? Yes, No, Maybe?

Snakes are truly fascinating creatures that could make the perfect pet for the right human being. With the proper kind of handling, snakes make great companions and can become tame as pets. Of course, snakes aren’t a one-size-fits-all pet for everyone. They have specific needs that you should meet when keeping them as pets. If …

Read More about Why Snakes Make Good Pets? Really?

Although the most common pets are cats, dogs, goldfish, and budgies, some pet owners are more adventurous. Many people have owned iguanas, ferrets, and hamsters as pets. Surprisingly, wildlife lovers have even gone as far as domesticating raccoons and opossums. So, is it really that farfetched to consider the possibility of owning a crow as …

Read More about Do Crows Make Good Pets? The Answer Is Here!