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Do Foxes Eat Berries? The Best Answer!

Do Foxes Eat Berries? The Best Answer!

When you picture a fox, you probably think of a cunning predator. After all, it’s an animal known for going after weaker prey and even scavenging carcasses.

However, there is more to a fox’s diet than just animals. Unlike many other predators in the wild, foxes are more open to feeding on plants.

Find out more about the fox’s fondness for plants by reading the rest of this article.


Do Foxes Eat Berries?

Foxes are omnivores that enjoy feeding on berries. They will eat different types of berries including blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, mulberries, and raspberries. But, foxes must still consume those fruits in moderation as they contain xylitol which can be toxic to them.

Do Foxes Eat Berries?
Do Foxes Eat Berries?

If you’ve watched some nature documentaries focusing on foxes before, then you likely saw them depicted as predators.

Foxes are often depicted in nature documentaries as a formidable predator
Foxes are often depicted in nature documentaries as a formidable predator

But, it may seem like more attention was given to the killing prowess of this stealthy hunter.

Although foxes are famous for their hunting instincts, they don’t have to rely on them all the time. Because foxes are omnivores, they will do just fine even if fruits and vegetables are the only accessible food sources nearby.

Berries are among the fruits that foxes like the most. They enjoy dining on blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, mulberries, raspberries, and just about any other type of berry found in the wild.

Foxes love to eat blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, mulberries, and any other type of berries they can find
Foxes love to eat blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, mulberries, and any other type of berries they can find

Since berries are easy to find in the wilderness, foxes will turn to them again and again whenever they need a meal.

You can also give berries to any foxes wandering in your neighborhood. Leave some berries in a spot that you see foxes frequently so they can have a nice treat during their journey.


Are Berries Good for Foxes?

Berries can be good for foxes. That’s mainly due to their antioxidant content.

Antioxidants help prevent all kinds of health issues. They are good for us and their benefits are also felt by foxes.

Feeding on berries is also not the worst thing for foxes because they are low-calorie fruits. A fox will not gain excess weight simply because they feed on berries on a somewhat regular basis.

Many foxes also seem to be quite fond of berries. They may like eating berries more compared to other fruits that are found in the wilderness.


Are Berries Bad for Foxes?

Eating berries has pros and cons for foxes. We just finished discussing the pros of foxes eating berries so we can now turn our attention to the cons.

The main reason why berries can be bad for foxes is that they contain xylitol.

For those who may be unaware, xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is found in different types of fruits and vegetables. Some notable examples of fruits and vegetables that have xylitol are mushrooms, plums, and berries.

So, why is xylitol so bad for foxes? According to VCA Hospitals, xylitol can trigger a quick insulin release from the pancreas.

Berries contain xylitol, a sugar alcohol triggering a quick insulin from the pancreas
Berries contain xylitol, a sugar alcohol triggering a quick insulin from the pancreas

If that release happens, the affected animal’s blood sugar level drops rapidly. They may soon start to exhibit a wide range of concerning symptoms.

Animals suffering from xylitol poisoning may start vomiting and become sluggish. The affected animal may also experience seizures as well as liver failure.

If fox ingest too many berries and thereby xylitol, they can start vomiting and become sluggish
If fox ingest too many berries and thereby xylitol, they can start vomiting and become sluggish

In extreme cases, xylitol poisoning can lead to the death of the affected animal.

Even though the effects of xylitol poisoning have mostly been observed in pets, experts believe that foxes can experience the same symptoms.

Eating berries occasionally is fine for foxes, but more than usual can lead to serious health issues.


What Other Fruits Are Potentially Toxic to Foxes

Berries can pose a health risk to foxes, but that threat can be minimized as long as foxes don’t gorge themselves on those fruits.

Could other fruits present a similar health risk to foxes? That is indeed the case.

Grapes are among the most dangerous fruits for foxes. Along with causing many of the same problems that berries present, grapes are also known for contributing to kidney failure.

Grapes are the most dangerous fruits for foxes as they cause liver and kidney failure to them
Grapes are the most dangerous fruits for foxes as they cause liver and kidney failure to them

Wild foxes already know to avoid grapes. Don’t ever feed them to wild foxes you encounter.

The high fat content of avocados can also be bad for foxes. A fox that eats an avocado may suffer from an upset stomach shortly after their meal.

Foxes that continually eat avocados may also develop a case of pancreatitis.

The high fat content of the avocado can cause foxes to suffer from an upset stomach or even pancreatitis after eating it
The high fat content of the avocado can cause foxes to suffer from an upset stomach or even pancreatitis after eating it

Tomatoes are also potentially harmful to foxes. Foxes that feed on tomatoes may experience gastrointestinal issues.

In the wild, the gastrointestinal issues caused by tomatoes can be very problematic for foxes.

Tomatoes are also dangerous fruits for foxes as they also cause gastrointestinal symptoms to them
Tomatoes are also dangerous fruits for foxes as they also cause gastrointestinal symptoms to them

Other fruits worth including here are peaches, pineapples, and the plums we mentioned earlier.

Similar to berries, foxes would have to consume an excessive amount of the aforementioned fruits for them to start experiencing health troubles.


Does the Ripeness of the Fruit Matter to Foxes?

Wild animals usually cannot afford to be picky. Since they are in a constant struggle for survival, they have to secure food when they can.

That said, foxes may still be somewhat selective when it comes to eating berries and other fruits. To be more specific, they may look for ripe fruits.

For whatever reason, foxes have shown a preference for eating ripe fruits so they seek them out while looking for food. If the berries you presented are not quite ripe, the neighborhood fox may just ignore them.

Though foxes can't afford to be picky in the wild, they ignore those berries that are still unripe
Though foxes can’t afford to be picky in the wild, they ignore those berries that are still unripe

Frequently Asked Questions about Foxes Eating Berries


What Is a Fox’s Favorite Fruit?

Foxes enjoy munching on berries just fine. If not that, they will also happily eat some apples or plums.


Do Foxes Like Strawberries?

Most foxes enjoy eating all types of berries. Strawberries are no different. They will gobble those berries right up if they find them.


Conclusion on Do Foxes Eat Berries

Foxes eat berries. They are known to eat the following berries:

  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Gooseberries
  • Mulberries
  • Raspberries