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Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me? Find The Answer Here

Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me? Find The Answer Here

Cats are intriguing creatures that you cannot fully understand in one look. 

Your cat is a book that you can’t finish reading. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, your cat will pull another surprise. 

Sometimes, your cat will lick you for a while and then bite you right after. 

What is the explanation for these contradictory actions? 

Well, better read the article below for you to know the reason behind such peculiar behavior.


Why Does My Cat Lick Me Then Bite Me?

There are five major reasons for this weird behavior. Your kitten will bite you right after licking you when he’s stressed out or when he needs some space. Cats will also do this behavior when he wants to play with you, when showing some affection, and when he’s grooming you for a stronger bond.



When your cat is experiencing stress, he may lick you, then bite you almost immediately. These actions may take a reverse order, but he may also go further to chew things aggressively. 

Cats act this way when they are also anxious or frustrated. 

The major cause of stress in cats is not clear, but the inability to achieve their aims has been linked to it.

This is understandable as humans also get frustrated when they are not able to achieve a particular goal after multiple attempts. 

Consequently, cats that are recovering from an illness may also get stressed out, leading them to perform such behavior.

Stress sets in when a cat tries to do an activity but his current strength or condition won’t allow it. 

A cat that is just recuperating from an illness might want to play around with other cats but may get tired too soon while other cats are still enjoying the fun. 

Thus, when you notice that your cat is stressed up, the best thing is to take him to see a vet for examination and treatment. There may be underlying medical conditions that cause him to start stressing out.


Needs some alone time

Has anyone been around you for too long and you began to get choked by the person’s continuous presence? Cat’s sometimes feel this way too. 

If you stay glued to your kitten for hours, he may get bored and want to try other activities. He’ll eventually want you to give him some space. 

So, he may have been licking, and he may bite you to send you away.

Feeling offended? Don’t worry, it’s just for a short period. Your kitty friend will soon come running into your arms again. 

Also, he may shoo you away when you become over-protective. In the cat’s perspective, he’s no longer the little kitten you adopted a few years ago. 

He’s now a “big” cat that can handle his personal business himself. 

Or maybe he just needs a moment of privacy. So, you got to respect his wish or you’ll get more tiny bites from him to make you see his point. 


Playtime invitation

We often carry too many things on our minds. So, it is easy to forget that it’s playtime with your feline. 

And when you do forget about your play date with your cat,  he will always remind you because he lives for that.

One of the ways he’ll remind you is by licking and biting you.  It’s like the feline’s saying, “Are you going to sit there all day? Come on, let’s rock & roll.”

To make his request even clearer, he may also bring one of his toys to you just like how a toddler will bring a ball to his daddy when he wants to play.

Once you get the message, your cat will stop biting and prepare for your fun game.


Show of affection

Another reason why your cat may decide to lick and bite you is to express some fondness. He appreciates how you take care of him, and he trusts you absolutely. 

So, if your cat performs this weird behavior, it’s a sign of a deep connection with you. Your cat’s relaxed and comfortable with your presence. 



Cats love grooming themselves and their other feline pals as well. Though grooming keeps them clean, grooming also builds a platform to build a stronger bond with their friends. 

On this note, your kitten may lick you up to keep your body clean. And when he comes across what feels like a blemish, he’ll bite it off. 

On the other hand, he may also be trying to strengthen the bond between both of you.

Either way, it’s a welcome development to your budding relationship. Just learn to differentiate what he’s trying to tell you and observe for other signs that your feline’s doing as well.


How to stop your cat from biting

You need to understand that biting alone is a different issue entirely as cats bite for other reasons. 

Normally, you may not have problems with licking. Biting is what you should not leave unchecked. 

Here are a few ways to stop your cat from biting.


Discourage the action early on

Naturally, biting is instinctive to kittens and they will bite anything that comes their way. When they are still young, their bites may not hurt. 

But if you don’t stop the habit, it will be a serious issue when they become adult cats.

So, it is better to discourage the idea when they are still kittens. Let them know that it is okay to bite their toys, but it is not okay to bite humans or other animals. 

Don’t offer your fingers or toes for your kitten to play with even if biting is a major part of their play.


Pretend you’re in pain when the cat’s biting you

When your cat suddenly bites your finger, show him that you’re in pain. 

If he holds on to the finger, try to push it inward. 

If you try to pull it out, he’ll instinctively intensify his hold on the finger. But if he lets go immediately, reward him with a treat to reinforce that behavior.


Give him toys to bite 

Your cat needs to satisfy the urge to bite. Otherwise, he’ll take it out on your belongings, or on you if he can’t find something to chew on. 

So, it is advisable to give him at least three different stuffed toys to chomp on. 



As explained above, there are five possible reasons why your cat will lick you and bite you after, but only one of the reasons is something to be worried about. 

If your cat licks and bites you out of stress, that gives cause for concern. 

So, next time, if your cat licks and bites you, try to rule out the possibility of stress from the equation. If you can’t, then see a vet.

Read how to get a cat to leave you alone next.