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Examples of Cat Body Language ― Truly Fascinating!

Examples of Cat Body Language ― Truly Fascinating!

Just like people, cats also have certain body language that will tell you about their emotions. It is vital to know these body languages in order to have a better relationship with your cat.

If you are not familiar with them, then you’re in luck! Because here are some examples of cat body language that you should know.


What are some examples of cat body language?

Since cats cannot speak like humans, they communicate to us through body language (and meows). These include vocalizations, facial expressions, and body postures. Through learning these feline postures, you will form a greater bond with your cat, and avoid misunderstandings and aggression. 


Belly Display

Dogs love to have their belly scratched but do not assume that cats feel the same way. In reality, cats do not like their tummy to be touched.

When cats show their belly, it may mean that your cat is relaxed and contented. Or it may also mean that your cat feels cornered. 

If your cat showed this pose with sharp teeth and fully extended claws, it means that your cat is in a defensive position and is ready to fight.


Blinking at You

When your cat slowly blinks at you or at another cat, it’s trying to show its affection. 

This is because in the world of cats, closing their eyes in someone else’s presence is a definite sign of trust.

Therefore, when your cat slowly blinks at you, return its gesture. This will tell your cat that you like its presence and that you pose no threat to it.


The Tail Tells it All

A cat’s tail is a great way to determine how your cat is feeling. 

When your cat’s tail is held high, it means that your cat is happy and confident. 

However, when its tail is held high with its back arched, with its hair upright along the spine, and its claws unsheathed, then it means that your cat is in a fighting position.

When the cat’s tail is between its legs or tucked below, it displays anxiousness or insecurity.

When its tail is curled on your leg or around the tail of another cat, it shows that your cat is friendly towards you or with the other cat.


Staring Contest

People stare into another person’s eyes to show affection, but cats find this threatening. That’s why cats typically go towards the person who is ignoring it. 

The pupils of a cat expand when it becomes more scared. This is in order to take up more visual information about its surroundings. 

If the pupils are constricted or narrowed, this means that your cat is angry or aroused. This occurs for them to focus more on details. 

However, the cat’s eyes might appear like that due to ambient lighting. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the situation as a whole.

When your cat notices that you are watching it, it may stop whatever it is doing, and check the situation.


Attack Mode

Some cats like to be played with and touched by their owners, but too much attention may arouse your cat. 

Cats are predatory in nature, so when they see a moving object (such as a toy, mouse, or a person’s hand), they tend to pursue it. 

If your cat attacks your hand, what you should do is freeze. The stop in your action will interrupt their attack mode. 

Signs that a cat may attack you are:

  • Dilated pupils 
  • Low twitching tail
  • Flattened ears


When your cat shows those signs, it is better to stop stroking it and back off.


Listen to Their Call

The most common sound that cats produce is their meow. Cats meow to communicate with people, and not with other cats. 

Meowing of cats means that they want something, need attention, food or they want the door to be opened. Sometimes, it also means “welcome home.”


Cat’s Vocabulary

Learn the types of your cat’s vocabulary to know the difference between a request for dinner or a cry for help.

Examples of a cat’s vocabulary include:

  • Purring shows contentment or a request for comfort during pain and illness.
  • Chatting or gurgling means friendliness
  • Hissing, spitting, or growling are warnings to move away until your cat has relaxed.
  • Wailing is an extremely loud sound that cats (e.g., unneutered male cats and deaf cats) produce when they are frightened by other cats. 


Frequently Asked Questions About Cat Body Language


When Do Cats Meow the Most?

Cats left alone for a long time tend to meow more frequently than usual to get attention. When cats are more stressed than usual, they also tend to meow more often.

It is also fairly common for cats to meow frequently when they are getting older. 


Why Do Cats Rub Their Body to Your Leg?

Cats rub their body around your legs to say hello to you. It is similar to them when they are greeting a different cat by having their body and face mutually rub with each other. 

Cat rubbing on you also means anointing you with their unique smell using their sweat glands that are in their tail, body, and face. 


How Will You Know If Your Cat Will Be Friendly with a Dog?

Making cats and dogs friends are not always possible but what you can do to start their friendship is to socialize them with each other during their young age.

Giving time for the new cat or dog to be around each other and with their new surrounding will allow them to be relaxed and will help for the introduction to be broken down into simple steps.

It is vital that both of them will have a good experience that in the long run will make them feel comfortable around each other.


Cats’ different body language is important to be learned in order to better understand their emotions.

Learning your cat’s body language can also help cat owners on how they could better respond to their cat’s wants and needs.