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Frogs are amphibians, which include salamander, toads, and newts. Frogs have several unusual traits, including the way they breathe. 5,000 species of frogs exist worldwide, and North America is home to 109 species. The smallest of these species, the Little Grass Frog, is a tiny one-half to seven-tenths of an inch long. The largest species …

Read More about How Do Frogs Breathe? Fascinating!

Most people don’t even think about how a snake breathes. It seems impossible with its long thin body that there are organs inside. However, snakes do have lung(s) that they use to breathe.   How do Snakes Breathe? Snakes breathe by letting air enter their nostrils and mouth. They will then contract their rib cage …

Read More about How Do Snakes Breathe? It Works Like This!