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White Fungus on Bearded Dragon — How Does it Look Like, Reasons and Remedies

White Fungus on Bearded Dragon — How Does it Look Like, Reasons and Remedies

Owning a bearded dragon‘s one of the pet experiences a person can find rewarding.

As far as reptiles go, they’re right up there with the leopard gecko when it comes to ease of care, and while they are much bigger than geckos, bearded dragons are docile and friendly.

Every pet comes with its own set of potential medical issues, and before owning one, we should go through the necessary research to distinguish common health problems.

Bearded dragons are no stranger to fungal disease, and owners must realize this to recognize the signs, so the infection is caught in the early stages.


White Fungus on Bearded Dragon — How does it look like, Reasons and Remedies

Fungal infections, appearing as circular lesions on top of the skin and becoming more prominent over time, can be from bacteria on the skin’s surface or run deeper, stemming from internal issues. In most cases, antifungal medication is prescribed.


Identifying a Fungal Issue

If your bearded dragon shows small white lesions on his body, this is due to a fungal infection. They may appear yellow, but the skin texture will differ from the rest of his body.

Those who own bearded dragons should consistently look for fungal infections because they are relatively common and spread quickly and easily from one reptile to another.

When you feed and clean out your bearded dragon’s enclosure, do a quick visual once over to ensure they look as they usually do.

Identifying a fungal problem is typically simple as long as you know what you’re looking for and you check for signs regularly. A bad shed can often indicate fungal issues, so check for crusty, dull skin when your dragon does shed.

An advanced infection will cause your dragon to move lethargically and stop eating. So if these symptoms pop up, make sure you get to a veterinarian immediately.

However, checking sheds and skin quality consistently will aid you in discovering fungus before it gets out of hand.


How to Proceed with White Fungus on your Bearded Dragon

If you do discover that your bearded dragon has a fungal infection, you’ll want to remove it from proximity with other reptiles right away.

When the sick dragon has been removed, clean the tank and monitor your other reptiles for symptoms of that same infection.

Fungal infections are like most other infections, caused by bacteria that work their way into the skin or are ingested unintentionally. Reptiles and fungus have a long history because reptiles often enjoy somewhat humid, wet environments, and so do fungal bacteria.

It’s important to note that several weeks, or even months, can pass between signs and symptoms of a fungal infection and the actual contraction of the disease.

This fact makes monitoring your other reptiles even more critical, as well as providing prompt care to your infected bearded dragon.

The moment you notice an infection, don’t bother with the home remedies posted on the internet.

Instead, contact your veterinarian right away, explain what is happening, and they’ll likely find you an immediate appointment.


Treating a Fungal Infection on your Bearded Dragon

Fungal infections in reptiles can be silent and aggressive, so it’s essential to undergo the correct treatment as soon as possible.

A veterinarian will provide a complete analysis of the issue and will likely take a skin biopsy to check if the infection originated on the skin’s surface. Further tests could be in order if nothing telling shows up on the biopsy, as your vet will want to check to see if the infection presents an internal problem.

A topical or oral antifungal medication will be prescribed, with additional guidelines in place by your vet based on individual assessments.

Be sure to follow what your vet says. Follow through with the treatment plan in its entirety, even if it looks like your bearded dragon is healing quickly.

You’ll want to make sure the complete infection has cleared before putting it back with other reptiles, which may require another visit to the vet.


Frequently Asked Questions about White Fungus on Bearded Dragon


How can I tell if my bearded dragon has a fungal infection?

Your bearded dragon may appear lethargic and stop eating with advanced fungal infection. However, you’ll likely notice a bad shed with dull, crusty skin or thick, discolored white or yellow lesions on the skin before it progresses.


Are fungal infections easily treated?

For the most part, yes, your bearded dragon will react well to the antifungal medication provided by your vet. It’s crucial not to delay treatment time, so the moment you suspect something is off, make the appointment.


How can I prevent fungal infections?

Sometimes, fungal infections are difficult to prevent. Keeping your reptiles separate, especially from new additions, will be helpful for fungal prevention. Also, keeping your bearded dragon’s enclosure clean and gently disinfected will help in discouraging bacterial growth.


Fungal Infections and Bearded Dragons

Fungal infections are commonplace for bearded dragons. Still, just because a disease is universal doesn’t mean it’s not deadly.

Monitor your bearded dragon closely. Having a firm grasp on his daily routine and movements will ensure that you have a leg up on recognizing any possible fungal infection before it gets out of hand.