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This article is about Powder Blue isopods care (Porcellionides pruinosus). Powder Blue isopods are highly active and among the biggest creatures of the Isopoda family. People like to breed them for various reasons, like keeping the environment clean. They consume a wide range of things, from pet feces to plant or leaf litter.  Additionally, Powder …

Read More about Powder Blue Isopods Care – The Complete Guide

Cubaris murina, also known as Little Sea isopods, has a translucent body with attractive embedded eyes. Taking care of Cubaris murina is relatively easy and simple compared to other isopods. Their breeding rate is very quick and impressive.  Cubaris murina belongs to the family of Armadillidae and is also known as the little Sea Pillbug. …

Read More about Cubaris Murina Care — Expert Tips!

Dwarf White are smaller, more docile types of isopods that like to spend most of their time burrowed underground. They are given the scientific name Trichorhina Tomentosa and don’t have any distinguishing patterns or colors on their backs. They’re known to originate from South America. An interesting fact about Dwarf Whites that makes them popular …

Read More about Dwarf White Isopods Care Guide — #1 Best Care Guide

Powder Orange Isopods are a type of woodlouse that are fast-growing, quick to reproduce, and easy to maintain. Also known as Porcellionides pruinosus, these isopods originated from South Asia. They are sturdy, rugged critters known for their glossy orange coats, perfect for beginners managing ecosystems.  They can survive in many different environments, including dry and …

Read More about Powder Orange Isopods Care Guide — #1 Best Guide

Isopods are tiny, armored crustaceans well-loved by vivarium owners the world over for their impeccable clean-up abilities. There are even 10 best isopods for a vivarium that you can read about on this site. These days, it’s not unusual to find hobbyists breeding isopods in culture tanks, which are later transferred into varied tanks to …

Read More about Sexing Isopods — How To Identify Their Gender Like A Pro